While there are countless factors that play a role in business success or business failure in any given industry, the relationship between client and employee is perhaps one of the most consistently important factors across all service industries. Building a strong relationship with the client is especially important in the mold remediation and mold inspection industry. After all, clients are putting their home and safety in the mold remediator's hands.
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness for mold and the potential consequences associated with excessive indoor mold growth. Unfortunately, among the facts, there are a great deal of mold myths out there as well. Mold growth is often either minimized and dismissed or dramatized and used more as a scare tactic. The reality of mold exists some where in between. Just because mold exists in a property, does not mean the homeowner needs to run for the hills, but homeowners should not ignore mold either. Excessive mold contamination is a serious issue that needs to be safely and effectively dealt with by a reputable professional. With so much misinformation readily available to potential clients, clients must rely on trustworthy and honest mold remediators and mold inspectors.
At Mastertech, we train our mold remediation franchisees to maintain open and honest communication with clients. We do not use scare tactics to pressure clients into starting an expensive mold remediation right away. We do not minimize the situation to try to sell it as an easy and affordable fix. Mastertech franchisees are trained to educate the client on the facts of his/her specific mold situation. Open and honest communication with clients helps to foster trust and confidence that the mold remediation is being handled properly.
Fundamentally, in any service industry, if you are able to provide a valuable, worthwhile service that betters people's lives in some way, they will remember you and tell their family and friends about you. In the mold remediation industry, it goes even further than that; because, a poorly executed mold remediation (or even a just a mediocre one) can mean serious consequences. When health and property are at stake, the only option is to do the job right the first time.
At Mastertech, we set high standards for our mold remediation work. Every member of our mold removal crew must follow strict safety protocols and every job must meet specific quality standards. This is what we expect of our franchisees. Part of our mold remediation franchise operations training is to set the expectations the services we provide. Our professionals have spent years building a brand on the integrity of our work and the clients' trust in our work. By prioritizing the quality of our services and the safety of our clients, we are able to build a strong and positive relationship with clients that encourages repeat business and new referrals.
A well trained team of project managers, inspectors, technicians and administrative staff who can meet client demands and create a positive experience without compromising the quality of the work adds value to a service. The client experience begins at the initial contact (likely a phone call), and each interaction from there forward become building blocks for the client's overall experience with the company that forms their opinion of the mold removal company as a brand. The cheaper mold remediation might not be that great of a deal after all, if the client has a stressful or bad experience while working with the company. A positive experience is invaluable to some clients.
As a consumer, if someone I like and trust told me he/she had a great experience with a contractor, that piece of information is far more important to me than any billboard ad or online claims. Word of mouth marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools out there, and it's free. Do the job right and treat your clients well. Happy clients mean return customers for other services or services at secondary properties. More importantly, happy clients like to tell their friends and family about it.
30 Broad St, Unit 7
Denville, New Jersey 07834